Community-Data Interaction in the Making - talk by Tatiana Losev from SFU

When: November 20, 2023 at 13:00 - 14:00
Place: ITU, 4A20
Hosted by: Søren Knudsen

On Monday Nov 20, the hdi lab is hosting Tatiana Losev from SFU (Vancouver, BC, Canada).

At 13.00, she will give a talk on Community-Data Interaction, which we think relates to research interestest across our department and beyond. Thus, we would be happy to see a diverse audience.

Also, Tatiana is available for an informal chat after the talk. please drop Søren Knudsen an e-mail if you would like to talk with her and he will attempt to schedule this.


Community-Data Interaction in the Making: Exploring Data Visualization as a Design Orientation and a Research Approach


At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, public health authorities relied on visual COVID-19 data for public engagement. In efforts to ‘flatten the curve,’ many faced a barrage of data visualizations, health messages, and (dis)information contributing to mass confusion and distrust: an Infodemic emerged. The Infodemic revealed that socio-technical contexts affect public perceptions of information. Yet, community-specific interactions with data visualizations remain little explored. In the talk, Losev will present how she and her colleagues apply a working research and design orientation called community-data interaction. Losev foregrounds dynamic relationships among practitioners, participants, and data in their communities. For example, data visualization is used to reflect on researchers’ and designers’ assumptions and to explore participatory data physicalization in public spaces. First, she will introduce a reflexive activity called Sketching Introductions to reflect on epistemic assumptions in design teams. Second, she will discuss a participatory data physicalization co-constructed with locals at a community arts centre called “Wound Up in a Pandemic,” — in which loops of yarn around wooden posts showed levels of trust in information about COVID-19 among anonymous local and national participants.


Tatiana Losev is a PhD student at Simon Fraser University, advised by Professor Sheelagh Carpendale. Losev draws on her public health nursing background and her research on experiential learning in higher education to inform participatory research and design in data visualization.